

The BBC Children in Need charity has a hotline that assists and guides children and young people in the UK who are impacted by poverty, homelessness, abuse, or neglect. All calls are charged at the same rate as a regular cell (BBC Children In Need, n.d.). The helpline may be accessed by dialling the following number: 0345 609 0015. The helpline is staffed by trained professionals who can offer advice and support on various issues. These issues include where to get help if you are experiencing or witnessing abuse, what to do if you are homeless, and how to access support if you are struggling with mental health or addiction. BBC Children in Need values all comments, favourable and negative, as it helps them examine their practices and grow as an organisation (BBC Children In Need, n.d.). All the information one needs to make a complaint can be found at 


Over the years, society has become more aware of the matter of mental health, to be more precise, in one of the consequences of a bad one, suicide. There has been an increase in the number of this act from the part of youngsters in the UK. The BBC Children in Need have acted upon this in the hopes to prevent it’s increase through their charity. They are one of the main supporters of Papyrus, a project created with the aim to prevent young suicide in the UK. Their main system of action is through HOPELINEUK, where individuals are contacted by the youngsters seeking help regarding their suicidal thoughts. The BBC Children in Need supports this by funding these individuals and making sure the youngsters are met with confidential and safe spaces where they can confine their inner thoughts. Papyrus is one of the many organisations that BBC Children in Need charity support, which is made known through their website, where they have a space specially created for this reinforcement, with


Fundraising for the charity is important to obtain funds to support children in need. The fundraising for the charity will be done through a fundraising appeal. This fundraising appeal is organ ised as an appeal show with many performance groups and will begin at 7 pm on 18th Nov 2022, on BBC. The appeal show will show people why the fund drive is needed and the type of work the funds are doing in helping children in need. The performances for the show will range from children to ad ults performances. The app eal show features children in need performance in creating art. The show will present works created by children who h ave benef ited f rom the cha rity and appeal for more efforts to reach more needy children. The show will also bring together children and pa rent testimonials of the benefits of charity in changing children's lives. Additionally, the aspect of diversity will be present in the show to display how the char ity bene fits all child ren from different r


BBC Children in Need is a charitable organisation that awards financial assistance to organisations in the United Kingdom that run programs to help the disadvantaged and young adults. The charity best known for its annual appeal, which raises money through various events and activities geared toward fundraising. The We Move Fund: Youth Social Action is receiving support from the National Lottery Community Fund thanks to a collaboration between BBC Children in Need and the National Lottery Community Fund (Davies, 2022). This fund aims to give young people more agency via youth participation in social action. Several famous people are serving as ambassadors for BBC Children in Need. Their efforts to raise awareness of the charity and the good it does are greatly appreciated.


Pudsey bear BBC Children in Needs’s iconic mascot since 1985, making it the beloved bear 37years old, whilst Sir Terry Wogan was its long-standing host for 35years. As Children in need is a prominent annual event in British television, having a mascot instantly transformed their brand. He was created by BBC designer Joanna Ball; he was named after her hometown of Pudsey in Yorkshire. Pudsey Bear also wears an eye-patch although it was never confirmed why it has been seen to make him more relatable to the children that the brand is trying to help.     Although Pudsey did not always look like the bear that we know today, he was a normal brown teddy bear with a red coloured eye-patch and his official makeover where he turned bright yellow and had a white and multicoloured polka-dot eye-patch came later in 2007 when Pudsey turned 22. The Children in Need logo was also changed around this time just ahead of the 30th anniversary of their televised shows. Additionally, this is when BLU


Children in Need was first founded on Christmas Day in 1927, the BBC had their first ever broadcast appeal for the children which was a five-minute radio broadcast. In 1955, the ‘Children’s Hour Christmas Appeal’ took place, raising a total of £625,836 up to 1979. The first telethon broadcast for ‘Children in Need’ was broadcasted in 1980, and raised £1million which was hosted by Terry Wogan, Esther Rantzen and Sue Lawley. In 1997, the charity single that featured a range of different singers, from Elton John, David Bowie and Tom Jones reached number 1.   Pudsey Bear who is the mascot of Children in Need, first made his debut in 1985. Joanna Ball designed Pudsey , who was the BBC graphic designer. The mascot was named after the West Yorkshire town where the designer was born. Pudsey began to become very popular and returned in the Children in Need’s logo. In 1985, Pudsey’s fur was brown, with a red bandana and black triangle spots, with his fur being changed in 1986 to yellow,